Letters + Numbers Book 4 Sample – Gather 'Round Homeschool
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Letters + Numbers Book 4 Sample

    Letters + Numbers Book 4 Sample

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    Try out our entire "Letters + Numbers" book series! This is a great way to find out where your children place with our preschool series. 

    This sample includes pages for our Letters + Numbers series book 4: In the Air. The Teacher's Guide has daily reading that is perfect for shorter attention spans. Like our entire Letters and Numbers series, this covers all of your subjects and takes you through a Preschool/Early Kindergarten level in content for math, science, and language arts. Hands on, engaging, and open and go, finally a program that you don't have to think about or prepare for! Check out some of the main learning concepts below.

    Language Arts & Phonics: Uppercase, lowercase, and sounds N-Z, handwriting, name writing, consonant-vowel blending, etc..
    Fine Motor Skills: Scissor skills, handwriting, and using different art supplies.
    Art: Coloring, drawing, textured painting techniques, designing a kite.
    Math: Numbers and counting 0-20, shapes, colors, measurement, height & width comparison, patterns, number lines, shape puzzles, and more!
    Science: Monarch butterfly life cycle, mosquito anatomy, airplane anatomy and experiment, insect characteristics, natural vs. man-made things, and more!
    Social Studies: Sorting groceries, safety rules, weather safety, extreme weather, process of taking flight, etc..
    Bible: The Lord’s Prayer, trusting Jesus, etc..



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