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Hey there! 

My name is Rebecca Spooner—author of More Than Words Bible curriculum, Journal Me Organized, as well as creator of If you were following me over there, you might be wondering where my reviews went. After years of reviewing curriculum, I ended up creating my own. I did not make this decision lightly, I never planned on making my own curriculum, but one day God laid this concept on my heart . . . what if you could do school with all your kids together? Gather 'Round was born out of prayer, and has grown organically through connections and conversations. You can learn more about it by watching the video below or just looking around our site. But in a few words, it is all your subjects but math for all your kids from K-12. Choose a unit that interests you, open, and go! That's it! It isn't just a unit study; it is a unit study with Charlotte Mason principles, traditional ease of use, classical rhythms and expectations, and unschooling values. This is the eclectic curriculum you have dreamed about, and it is made possible because of an impossible dream that God laid on a frazzled mom's heart. 

Look around and stay a while, try a free sample, God just might have you here for a reason. 


Check out our two helpful quizzes below and at the bottom of the page you will find a video that will tell you what Gather 'Round is all about, how it started, the philosophy, how it works, and more!

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