Performance and Perfection Unnecessary – Gather 'Round Homeschool
You asked, we listened. Our Canadian print shop is open for another month!

Performance and Perfection Unnecessary

by Rebecca Spooner on October 05, 2021

Some changes, some mistakes . . . Feeling pressed, a bit struck down, but not destroyed.


12- Lifers there is a video for you coming in the lifer group in the app.

13- Some honesty and emotion. Year 3 schedule is delayed by a month. Psychology and Medieval Times will be swapped. This will allow there to be a more diverse order instead of all history first half and heavy science second half.

18- For the print versions, some Christmas covers may be old version. Content is the same.

20- Pray for the company, direction, busyness, and just rest and peace so writing can move on. Update on move to US and trouble getting Visas.

23- Once we have a US address we will be able to avoid banks not allowing foreign transactions. Looking at areas where we can fly in and out directly.

27- Update on MP3 Dinosaurs (delayed) as well as update on positions within the company, staffing holes, etc.

29:30- A few sneak peaks into Christmas Around the World. Lots of info her. This will be an amazing unit!

38- Closing out, pray for our team, our printers, we need them!


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