LIVE Chat 11/22/22: Join Rebecca for Q&As and an inside look at Nation – Gather 'Round Homeschool
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LIVE Chat 11/22/22: Join Rebecca for Q&As and an inside look at National Parks!

by Rebecca Spooner on November 23, 2022

00:25 National Parks is LIVE! You can see it HERE! You can also check out the free sample HERE!

2:00 Thank you to everyone who is sharing about Gather ‘Round Homeschool!

2:35 Feedback is valuable here at Gather ‘Round Homeschool! Thank you to our customers for your emails, testimonies, and conversations in our free app and social media.

3:10 Want to know a little more about what Gather ‘Round Homeschool is? New here? Listen in here!

3:51 Rebecca does a flip-through of our new National Parks of North America unit! See what’s in some of the Teacher’s Guide and a Student Book and learn a little bit about the Mayden family that you’ll follow along with as they travel to these amazing national parks!

10:40 Progress is being made on US History 6 and Sports + PE (We haven’t forgotten about Growing Up with God… stay tuned about that one).

14:00 A new podcast is available! Available on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify our app, and on the blog at (this is where you'll find the time code notes).

16:58 Rocks + Minerals in year 4 is already in the early writing stages. The other year 4 units will follow but no set dates.

20:16 If you are looking for a unit that talks about cultures of the world, you could check out our connecting continent units that are woven in among others starting in Year 1 to Year 2.

21:00 Not sure about leveling your child? Or what level is best to start with if your child isn’t a strong reader? Listen here to find out what each level has to offer and what may be a good fit.

22:28 Rebecca talks a bit about Letters + Numbers and Ready to Read and how they could work for your child.

27:07 Will any equipment be needed to complete the Sports + PE unit? Rebecca dives into a little bit of what will be included in this unit.

31:25 There’s an amazing add-on for our Sports + PE unit that you’ll want to hear about!

34:56 Wrap-up and looking ahead


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