LIVE 7/12/22 Update from the Spooners, US History 5, what's coming up, – Gather 'Round Homeschool
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LIVE 7/12/22 Update from the Spooners, US History 5, what's coming up, and more!

by Rebecca Spooner on July 19, 2022

1:10 Update from the Spooners on returning home and what life is like after being on the road. And looking towards visiting the states again!

8:30 What's it like being back home? They’ve been catching up with Grandpa and Grandma B and the kids have been excited to see their animals.

13:00 Did you get Rebecca’s most recent newsletter? Check your junk folder! Or sign up HERE!

13:40 US History 5 is LIVE and we are still working on the mp3 stories. Also, your digital files are available on your Gather ‘Round account via the website. We used to use a system called ‘Fetch.’ We closed down our old system, Fetch, and you need to be sure to access your current files by signing in on the website.

15:05 Online Resources—Booklist, planner pages, etc. were once in the actual books. However, we are saving space in our books and have made them available for free on our website. You can find them HERE! These can also be found on our app. We’ve also added video resources. So, check them out.

17:35 Sale Update—As of this video, the team is working through the last day of the sale orders. We are getting close, so watch your email for order updates.

19:15 Medieval Times (New title is Middle Ages)—progress is being made and will be out this summer. We will make an announcement as we get closer to release time. It was very close to being done but as Rebecca was praying about it, she felt strongly that God wanted to go a different direction. Diving into church history a bit with this unit and it’s been a beast to research and write. However, Rebecca is prayerful and really letting the Holy Spirit lead.

26:15 More Than Words update: Rebecca wrote levels 1 and 2 and they were published through MasterBooks. This was before Gather ‘Round was even thought of. Rebecca wrote More Than Words 3 two years ago. Gather ‘Round will be publishing levels 3 and 4. It needs to be rewritten just a bit but is mostly done and written. Gather ‘Round is hoping to release levels 3 and 4 this year. Our kids need wisdom and this is a study through Proverbs. This is written to be done as an individual and work on an individual’s faith journey.

35:30 Along with writing and putting units and other things together, Rebecca is trying to focus on growing our current team. How you can pray.. pray for inspiration, motivation, Holy Spirit guidance… we could use your prayers!

37:00 Jonathan talks about growing and learning as a company… And continuing to reach out to customers in both Canada and US.

41:05 Chemistry Experiment Book is close to being released. God Doesn’t Make Mistakes and Gather ‘Round Magazine are all in the works as well.

41:55 There are no other events on the books for this year. However, you can already request Gather ‘Round for conventions in 2023! You will need to make those requests to the specific conventions that you want to see us at. Rebecca and Jonathan would also like to do an in-person Gather ‘Round Homeschool convention. Pray we can find facilities big enough and one that families can be involved in! Really wanting a rustic setting and NOT a professional, hotel/convention center setting.

45:35 The Spooners are really wanting to find a home base in the US. Continue to pray as they wait on the Lord and for Him to reveal the right property.

47:35 Conventions this past year and what it may look like going forward to 2023 convention season. Planning for 2023 is already beginning!

52:50 Wrap-up


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